Saturday, February 20, 2010

What we've been up too.... PART 2

well.... Still not a whole lot.. I forgotten how boring apartment life is. I spent so many days complaining about all the work I had to do at the house all the time. Now I wish for something to prime or paint! But we have a lot of fun just being together! And I have friends here and thats something I know I may not have our next move. well not instant. Where ever that may be! But we are happy just to be here our last semster is quickly coming to an end with only 10 more weeks of school and one of those weeks we get off for spring break!
But apartment living has lots of benifits like.. PLENTY of TIME FOR:

kisses and snuggles:

horsin around!
AND There's always time for giggles ..(and unmatching outfits!)
FASHION SHOWS and play dough

journaling and naps.. (no i wasnt awake and happy of this picture being taken) and romantic moments interrupted by pure insanity. Nick was sweet and brought me flowers not even for valentines day.. But look in the background.. Yep someone cant be serious for more than 5 seconds!


Shannon said...

The kids are getting so big Linna!! :)