Thursday, September 30, 2010


So we were watching at movie one night last week.. When all of a sudden i saw a funny shaddow flutter across the floor in front of me! i said "nick I think there is a mouse in the house!" Nick got up and turned on the light and saw this guy! I about jumped on his shoulders! What a creepy guy! he went under the entertainment center and stuck himself to the back. it was quite a battle but we won!

and yes red head = poisonous

Sunday, September 19, 2010

My smart little boy!

I am not sure if you can tell, but he got all of them right except when we asked him to grab the "D" he grabbed a "G".. Pretty good for 25 months!

Friday, September 10, 2010

close call

Nothing like a fire right down the street
to wake you up!

Literally dumping right in front of me!
I was actually on the phone with my mom
who encouraged me to call the fire department
and I am glad I did!

They said the south side of the fire (my houses side) was contained. 2 more drops and it should be contained. 2 acres burned up but at least its not so bad as boulder fire right now some 10 miles from my parents house!
count your blessings!