Sunday, April 27, 2008

Relief Society Lesson DONE!

Now I can finally relax! It might not seem like a big deal to some, but teaching Relief Society is a big scary job for me.. Today I did it! My stomach was upset, my legs were shaking, it was like SO much anxiety AND WHOOSH! It was all over. I survived. The funny thing was my lesson was on enduring to the end and I can honestly say I had endured this week. No really it was a struggle.

First of all, I got sick so I was fighting a cold all week, then Tessa of course was sick and nick and finals stress.. Then I threw my back out on Thursday (or had a kidney attack-they feel about the same to me) and Friday we put on our ward talent show so I had been really busy with that. I had taught my lesson a million times in my head every night because I couldnt fall asleep and couldnt stop thinking about it.. So hardly any sleep not to mention the three nasty cold sores from the stress on my bottom lip.. I was sure that I was meant to teach this lesson because the legions of hell where trying to drag me down. But I was determined! I was going to stand and give that lesson even if my legs were broken and they had to wheel me into teach! And I did it. I endured! =) Yippy my first relief society lesson went well and I was happy! I felt the spirit, I just hope that others felt it too!

ps The pictures are of me and Tessa this morning and the "soup for our souls" in my object lesson. so if anyone wants to use any of my labels for a lesson or something please let me know. I can email them to you so you can print them out! I didn't work so hard on them just to be use once! =)


Tiff Rudd said...

Congrats on finishing your lesson! I'm sure it was great and those cans are awesome!!! Now you won't have to be so stressed the next time! :)

Marlena said...

Those cans look great! What a cute idea.

Tanner said...

You did such a great job on your lesson - I never would've guessed you were nervous!! I loved the cans too - and the life savers! :)

Jill Tanner

Catherine said...

I found your post on the soup cans when I did an image search. I think they are so cute! If you still have them I would love to get a copy of the labels. My email is Thanks!