Thursday, April 10, 2008

Relief Society

So last week I was asked to teach relief society. The regular 4th Sunday teacher is going to be out of town. (its not a new calling its just a one time thing.. Thank goodness!) But I am really freaking out! I have never in my life taught in relief society and I am sure I will probably be doing it again sometime. I just hoped I would be an old lady by the time that came. I like to teach and loved young womens but I feel like a young chick preaching at a bunch of hens. So, anyone got any advice for me?


Anonymous said...

Call in sick? :) You'll do fine! You're a great teacher.

Audrey said...

You don't need anyones advice Linna. You have taught so so much with out even trying. You are going to do wonderfully!

Tiff Rudd said...

I was just catching up on my reading...congrats on selling the jeep! And, good luck teaching - I've actually taught RS in a few wards, it isn't too bad. Just remember to encourage a lot of discussion. They answer questions and share thoughts a lot better than the YW do! You'll do great!! Good Luck!!

the speers said...

you're going to do fantastic!! i was the second sunday teacher for a while, and i loved it!! you're so friendly and fun you're going to do fine!!! good luck with your hubby being in finals-ew! have you guys been having more normal weather? how's your little peanut?!