Thursday, October 16, 2008


Every time it rains our backyard gets flooded! Most people around here have pools in their backyards, we just have one that moves!!!! ITS A LOT OF FUN AS YOU CAN SEE!!!! (i just hope the water NEVER gets too deep and onto our patio and into the house!!


Katie said...

You guys are fun! Is that today? Cause it IS raining right now. We're all lazy and cozy inside and here you guys are splashing in puddles... well, really BIG puddle. :-)

Dawn said...

Wow, that does look fun. Does it rain there a lot. Is it cold back there? It has been cold here.

Tiff said...

FUN!! What a great mom and dad to be out their playing in it too!!

Josh n Betsie said...

That looks like fun.

Anonymous said...

Looks Like so MUCH fun!!!!

the speers said...

hahaha!!! that is awesome!!! I couldn't believe it had been so long since I'd been to your blog--your baby is so big! he's SO cute! Tessa is, too, of course! :D lol! hope you guys get some time off soon!! :D

The Coleman Family said...

WOW!! i cant believe your backyard did that!! so wierd!! but i wish i would of know i so would of done that!!
Fun times!