Thursday, April 2, 2009

Positive Pregnancy Test

I forgot to blog about this, but late Tuesday night I mentioned to Nick I had been feeling yucking all day so I took a pregnancy test and it came out positive! The guy nearly jumped out of his skin in shock! Luckily it was my favorite day of the year! April Fools! He says he knew it, but by the tone in his voice and his 'NO WAY' ?!?! REALLY?!?! ARE YOU KIDDING ME?!?! I had him! I always do! He got me back though. But honestly who doesn't love the first of April, a day for the fools.


Audrey said...

you are the biggest stinker EVER!!!! How did he get you back?

The Coleman Family said...

WOW! that was a good one!

Lily said...

You had me going for a minute! pfffffffft...LOL

Keri said...

Aren't you going to tell us what he did? That's a pretty good one. I might have to keep it in mind for next year.

Tina said...

You got me. Definitely tell us what he did.

Tiff Rudd said...

Gee, you had me going for a minute! Good trick! Hey - I saw you are looking to have your lawn mowed. A few of the YM in our ward have started a little business doing that - give me a call and I will give you the info.

Kendall, Starla, Conner, Aleck, and Jared said...

That's a great one! I will have to remember that for next year!