Wednesday, December 9, 2009


So Dallin has been getting a little shaggy so I decided it was time for the first hair cut! I cut nicks hair all the time so i felt confident, it just meant my baby was growing up and part of me didnt want to cut off the soft peach fuzz baby hair! but it was also getting a little long and nick had been buggin me about..So i went ahead.. (Sorry you cant tell really how long it is by this picture but take my word for it.. I tried to leave the bangs long because hes got a pretty big forhead! =)

I am really really exited to move back.. I really cant wait to have my own place! even if its an apartment with NOTHING in it! I am also excited for christmas and that I actually may have a "white" one this year.. I am happy to say I am done christmas shopping and way under budget! Savers! I love that store! =) I love that tessa is still not old enough to care what she gets.. Just that its new (relatively speakin new to her) and its toys.. thats all that matters! I though have been tempted to cancel christma this year for tess. she's been particuallarly naughty.. Drama drama all the time.. crying fits, slaming doors, melt downs.. I think all the moving has caused an explosion of emotions in her.. I think she knows another big change is coming also. plus they both went to the dentist this week... (thats another story!) so.... we will see..


Anonymous said...

I remember the first haircut feeling! I know what you mean! You did a great job. I'm also feeling the same way about no Christmas for naughty kids. :) Seth has been awful. I guess I should give him a break since he has a new baby sister he's still trying to figure out. It'll all pass, right? We still need to get together!!!

Bekah said...

Kids grow too fast! He is so handsome! Miss you tons!