Monday, March 24, 2008

Ward Easter Egg Hunt

So this Saturday we had our ward Easter Egg hunt.

I feel bad for who ever played the part of the Easter Bunny because
Tessa would not leave him alone!

She followed him around everywhere he went it seemed. Sneaking another hug here and there. She'd even jump in other peoples pictures just so she could be close to him. it was so funny.. They had lots of games for the kids and a huge field full of easter eggs (5000) is what i heard. The Laws are a family in our ward where the activity was held (in fact in walking distance from my house) and they have a lot of room and a lot of fun pets. They had a mini petting zoo. With baby chicks dyed pink and blue, a bunny, two donkeys and lot of chickens! The hunt was so much fun. As you can see in the picture they lined all the kids up and they raced to the eggs everyone had plenty! Towards the end of the event when everyone was going home. A chicken had gotten lose and was running around. All the kids where chasing it and we just laughed it off. But the next minute I turned around and low and behold here comes little Tessa holding this big old speckled hen in her arms. YEP! she had caught it all by her self and was hauling it over to show me! By then the batteries in our camera had died. How come we can ever remember to make sure they are charged? but if anyone has that pictures please send it to me! WHAT A FUN DAY!