Saturday, June 21, 2008

Tribute to the Fathers in my Life

I know this is late but I really wanted to show you how grateful I am to the fathers in my life!

For I am more lucky than most;I've had 2 father figures in my life to love. Thank you to both who have shaped me into the person I am today!

Thank you Sam for being the best step dad ever! For being there at all those important moments in my life and supporting me. For being such a good example in the gosepl. Thank you for being a positive person, and giving me a positive out look on life in general, . Thank you for making our home (little draw Ranch) a better and happier place. I would not be the person I am today if I didn't have you as a step father. Thank you and I love you and I will forever!

Many of you don't know, but my dad passed away when I was 10 of cancer. Although our years together were short I learned some very valuable lessons from him and his kind and giving nature. His ability to serve and show others love has helped me want to give and love others and know NO strangers as he did in his life time. Thank you dad I love you and I miss you!

And of course I want to mention my Father in Heaven. Who has given me all the love in the world. For he gave me his Son, Jesus Christ, who died for my sins, that I could some day return home to live with them again. My Father in Heaven has given me these wonderful opportunities in life to make choices which have lead me to even greater happiness in life. I have been blessed and I am grateful for my Heavenly Father and placing these two great men in my life and my sweet husband who have taught me so much and I am so grateful for!