Friday, July 17, 2009

Small Town celebrations!

I know this post is really late, but better late than never!

For the 4th of July weekend we went to a little town called Lewiston Utah for a parade and a fireworks show. Its where Nicks grandparents live. Tessa and Dallin just love there great grandma Barbra and great grandpa Blair! It was such a blast to hang out! I love small town celebrations! I love how everyone knows each other and is constantly waving throughout the parade not because its required but because they are greeting old friends and family! I love how you feel safe at the carival or safe parking in an empty field and you can always find parking spot, and you arent constantly looking for pickpocketers. I love how warm and inviting people are and how everyone is in some way related and looks out for each other.
here are some pictures from the festivities:

grandma Barbra and Dallin

anticipating the candy

A giant tractor makes Rylee nervous as she tries to get candy before it gets squashed!
Nicks mama (grandma Susan) and Dallin petting a puppy.

Justin (nicks brother in law, Rylee's dad) and Nick and little D relax in there camping chairs.


rachel said...

oh my heck DAllin looks SO big!
I am so excited we are going to see eachother next month!

shhluke said...

Dallin is looking soooo much like Nick. I don't think I ever realized that before. It looks like you all had a blast.

Unknown said...

Dallin you looking so cute ....
great pictures thanks for share...
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