Wednesday, August 6, 2008


yep! He's here!

Dallin Nicholas Blair
8lbs 5 oz
21 1/2 inches long

He's our BIG BOY!

My water broke at home (actually right here where I am sitting! I was scooting my chair up to check my email and blog a bit and POP!) So this was at 6pm on Sunday August 3rd-my actual due date. But I had him August 4th at 12:09am.. Everything went great I had an easy labor and delivery 2 pushed and there he was.. The doctor on call was really nice and the nurses so i felt at ease. Now I'm happy to be home and resting! Isn't he just so cute? So who do you think he looks like?

When Tessa first saw Dallin she said, "oh how cute". Then we had her open some presents up from him and she kept saying, "Thank You Dallin". One of her gifts was a doll with bottles. When it was time for me to feed Dallin I said to her "now you feed your baby and I'll feed mine".. She looked at me puzzled and said," No mom I want that one" and pointed to Dallin. It was so funny! Man what was I thinking?? of course she wants to feed the real one!

Here Nick is multitasking.... holding Dallin and sucking in some test material. Poor Nick hes got a nasty week ahead of him with practicals, tests papers due and finals next week! But he still helps me out!


Angie Wilson said...

Awww! What a cutie! I'm glad he decided to cooperate and fun being pregnant in the summer!! I can't tell who he looks like yet...but that photo of Tessa...she is mini you!! Good luck these next couple of weeks.

Mike and Wendy said...

Congrats Linna!! We're so happy for you! I'm glad Tessa isn't like Easton was with Malia and pretending Dallin doesn't exist.
Now. I can't figure out why you weren't at the ward lunch group today! :)

shauna said...

I think he looks like Nick. Congratulations! How nice to be done, right? Can't wait to meet him!

The Coleman Family said...

AWWW yeah!! i am so excited!
he is so cute! congrats girl!!
love ya

Bekah said...

So adorable! You look amazing as well! Congrats, he is adorable, and I am sure Tessa will be a big help!

Anonymous said...

He is so precious! Very cute!! I think he looks a little like Nick. I'm so happy for you guys. Hopefully you all are adjusting! Congrats! Love you guys!

Shannon said...

Yay, you did it!! You survived a sweltering summer in Memphis in your 3rd trimester. (You deserve a medal.) But it looks like it was well worth it! What a cutie! Tessa looks just like you, and I think Dallin favors Nick. Can't wait to see more pics and to see the "real thing" in person. Congratulations Linna Lou! :)

Tiff Rudd said...

CONGRATS again you guys! WHAT A CUTIE!!! I am so excited that he is here and healthy! Glad it all went well too! I can see a lot of Nick in him! Can't wait to see him in person. If you need anything let me know!!!

rachel said...

totally looks like Nick. He is seriously SO cute! Congrats. Good luck witht the transition.

Keri said...

It was so fun holding your little one last night. Thanks for letting me come in and see him. Just so you know, I had no idea that soup was so spicy. I hope you were able to eat it. Call me if you ever need help with something. I'd be happy to help.

Zach and Nikky said...

YAY!!! Congratulations!

Kendall, Starla, Conner, Aleck, and Jared said...

Finally!! He is sooooo cute! You look great! Now you have a mini-Linna and a mini-Nick!

the speers said...

YEAE!! He's SO cute! and you look FANTASTIC! Aug 4th is my brother's birthday, too! it's a great day! congrats my friend...can't wait to see more pics of your little peanuts!! :D

Lily said...

He is perfect Linna! What a little doll! He reminds me of Nick. I cannot WAIT to hold him!!!

Jana said...

I think he looks like Nick. Congrats!